Universes (Watchlists)
Universes are custom lists of symbols you can create separately from scans. It allows you better control over the scans and another mechanism for automation. For example, You can use a watchlist universe and use it in several scans. Once you update your watchlist - all scans will be updated as well.

How to create a list?

  • Go to the 'Settings' tab on the top.
  • Pick the 'Universes' tab in the settings.
  • Click the '+' sign.
  • Enter the list name
  • Enter as many symbols as you like (space, comma, or semi-colon separated)
  • Click Save.
You can edit and delete the list using the icons next to it.

How to use a list in a scan?

  • In any scan, click the 'add filters' button.
  • Search for 'include symbols' filter
  • Click the filter and choose 'Manual' (enter as many symbols as you like manually) or 'Universe.'
  • Pick the universe from the dropdown menu.

Use cases

The universe lists can help you fine-tune the scan results to a list of tickers you preselect. This also adds a component of automation as you can define scans to works with lists, and when you change the list - all scans are updated as well.
  1. Watchlist – The primary use case is to define your watchlist and create scans to use that watchlist. As the market changes and you track different stocks - updating the list will update all scans.
  2. Open positions - You can maintain a list of open positions to use in any scan.
  3. Themed lists – If there are stocks you like according to a theme (for example, SaaS companies) – you can create a list and use it in all your scans.
  4. Automatic lists - We created some automated lists to help you better define your scanned and investable universe and help you find trades.

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