Run Your Own ATR Backtests
ATR (Average True Range) is a popular technical indicator for measuring volatility. It is a powerful tool for measuring volatility in a standardized way across the entire market, and scans based on it are very popular on our platform.

Our backtest tool is a game-changer. It allows you to test how results from our scan behaved in the past, giving you a glimpse of what could be. By integrating this into your workflow, you can gain a sharper edge in your trading, paving the way for more successful trades.

Read more in our blog post about how to use it to find trades that will move (and then you can buy calls or puts) or trades that might show lower volatility (and you can sell options, like iron condors).

The blog post: Run Your Own ATR Backtests to Increase Your Likelihood of Profitable Options Trading
New Version
New Version for Option Samurai! Q2 2024 🎈

Wow, we are already at the end of June and have finished the first half of 2024—how time flies! It's time for our new Q2 2024 version!
We are constantly working on improving our software and releasing new versions (as we've been doing since 2020). So, as our clients, you know that Samurai is continually improving so you can sharpen your edge in the market.

In this version:
  • Made improvements to the all scans page
  • Improved our Excel and Google sheet integration
  • Added backtests and predefined scans to find trades according to them
  • Finished the credit card processor migration
  • Bug fixes and improvements

Read more on our blog

New Feature
3 Reverse DCF templates on Google Sheets
Last quarter, we added three new Excel templates to help you estimate the value of stocks using the Reverse DCF methodology. We've updated these templates and added a Google Sheets version of them.

Check it out on our blog: Reverse DCF Template.
Bollinger Bands Backtests
Bollinger bands are a technical indicator that creates an envelope around the stock price. The bands are measured by the stock price's standard deviation. When the stock price breaks through the envelope, we say that the stock is overbought or oversold.

We've run backtests on this and saw that this technical indicator has an edge. We've published the results in our blog and built backtests and predefined scans that you can use to take advantage of the edge in your trading.

Read more in our blog:

New Feature
Credit Card Processors Migration

We are changing our Credit Card processors to provide better service for our clients. This change is on our backends; you don't need to do anything, and this process should be finished by the end of the month.

We apologize for the rare cases where you might receive an email or notification about this switch. Feel free to contact us via email or chat; we will assist you as soon as possible.
Options Strategies for Rising and Falling IV
We are in the midst of the earnings season, and while we do see movement in specific stocks, the market's IV has fallen and is around its long-term average.

We've published two articles on our blog on strategies to profit if you believe the IV is about to rise (Profiting from a High Volatility Option Strategies) or fall (Designing a Good Low-Volatility Option Strategy).

Depending on your market outlook, these blog posts can educate you on different options strategies, explain when to use them, and help you find ideas for trading using our platform.  
Low-risk income strategies
After five months of upward movement in the main indexes, the market has weakened in the last weeks. While the U.S. economy is still strong, the market movement was extreme to the upside, so it makes sense to take a breather or even correct.

As investors ourselves, we are currently favoring limited-risk strategies. We believe the potential for adverse surprise is higher than the market is pricing. We've written about these strategies in our blog, and you can read it here:
New Version
Samurai Q1 2024 version

It's the end of March, and it's time for the Q1 2024 version!

We continuously improve our platform and listen to your requests in order to keep Samurai the best platform for options investors and help you keep your edge in the market.

For this version, we've made considerable improvements to the scanner in anticipation of our custom strategy scanner. We've improved the home page to be more 'card'- based and added breadcrumb-based navigation to help you quickly dive in and out of the results without losing context and information. Additionally, we've added more Excel templates and new data points, improved the platform, and crushed bugs.

In this version:
  • A new dashboard for the scanner
  • Breadcrumb-based navigation
  • Reverse DCF Excel suite
  • Improved ATR vs. Strike
  • Bug fixes and improvements

New Feature
Two New Excel Templates
The ability to gauge the company valuation on your own is invaluable. Being able to do it quickly will allow you to add this to your investment workflow and also react quickly to earnings events.

Our Reverse Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model templates help you do just that in minutes. With our templates, you get an initial valuation of a company in minutes, and from there, you can decide your next step.

Last month, we added a new template to allow you to calculate the company valuation using reverse DCF. This month, we've added two more templates to help you accomplish more:
  • You can compare several companies to find the leaders and laggers in an industry using this template.
  • You can find the company valuation and then integrate it with an options strategy using this template.

As always, these are Excel templates, so feel free to download them and customize them to your needs.
New Feature
New Excel Template - Reverse DCF
Know if a company is expensive or cheap in minutes!

The Reverse Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model is a financial valuation method that involves working backward from a company's current stock price to estimate the implied future cash flows and growth rates expected by the market. Instead of projecting future cash flows and discounting them to present value, the reverse DCF model uses the current stock price and market assumptions to infer the implied expectations about a company's future financial performance.

The main benefit of this model is that it can be very easy and fast to use. This means you can get your own idea of a company's worth in a few minutes without relying on others or financial media.

We've created an Excel template and a blog post to help you automatically analyze stocks to save time and find potential mispricing in the stock.

Read the blog post to learn more about the template: Unlock Financial Insights in Minutes: Your Reverse DCF Excel Template.

Download the template.