Unique features
Articles to help understand the unique features in SamurAI
Analyst recommendation and target price
Analysts recommendation Datapoints and how to use them in your trading
Calendar & Diagonal Spreads
A quick explanation about calendar & Diagonal spreads and how to use them.
Excel & Google Sheets Integration
Powerful add-in to import live data from SamurAI to your sheets.
Expected Value
What is the Expected value column and how to use it
Implied Volatility Suite
Description of the IV metrics Samurai has and how to use them
Iron Butterfly (and butterflies)
Butterflies have a high profit-ratio and low risk. Learn how to use the most out of our scanner to improve your butterflies trading.
Iron Condor Scanner
How to get the most out of the Iron Condor scanner: Explinations, tips, filters, usecases and more.
Monitoring (Alerts)
Description of the monitoring feature and how to use it
Scenarios for the entire market
Intoduction to the Scenarios engine - Which allows you to see what will happen to the option trade in the future
Send Trade to Broker
Send trades from Option Samurai to your brokers
Stock Score
Understand the Samurai Stock Score and how to use it
Technical Analysis Engine
Introduction to our technical analysis engine that allows you to set your own indicators.
Unusual option volume
Data points to help you find unusual options volue
Value on Strike (PE, Future PE, Dividend Yield and more)
What will be the stock parameters if the option is assigned at strike price? These value points will help!