How to cancel your account
If you want to cancel your account we are sorry to see you go, but it is very easy: 

If you have a trial account - You don't need to do anything. The account will expire.

If you are a premium member, there are 4 ways to cancel your account
  • Via our pricing page (Easiest and quickest): You can cancel your account quickly on our pricing page (Just click the cancel).

  • Via the invoice in your email: (If the invoice does not include a link, use this one.) Find the latest invoice and follow the link at the bottom to the buyer portal. You can cancel it from there (or change plans). 

  • Via Paypal: If you paid with Paypal you can cancel from your Paypal dashboard.
  • Via chat/email: Just send us a line in chat or email ( and we will take care of it ASAP and will send you a confirmation (Make sure to include your email)
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