How To: Save and Load screens

With the new version of Option Samurai, we've put a lot of emphasis on easily incorporating Option Samurai into your daily use. In addition to being simple and powerful, we've created advanced features that allow you to save your custom scans and then access them instantly in a few simple clicks.

Save a scan

It is effortless to save a scan. You can edit a predefined scan or start a new scan from the "COMPOSE SCAN" button on the dashboard's upper left side.

Once you're in the scan editor, add as many filters as you like. When you're ready, name the scan and press "☁️ SAVE" located on the upper right side above the results table.

You'll be able to see the scan in your 'Saved Scans' tab.

Load Scans

After you have saved the scan, you can easily access them anytime from the left bar!

(notice that this bar is collapsable if you need more room)
  1. You can quickly see the results in the dashboard by clicking on the row (you'll then be able to sort, expand, and analyze the scan quickly.
  2. You can click the 'customize' button on top to go to the edit scan page and you'll be able to add filters, remove them, change values, and more. Once you save them, you'll update the scan again and it will be available for next time.
  3. Clicking on the 'refresh' button will run the scan again.

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