ATR on Strike - It is a standardized measure of the distance between different assets with different volatilities. It is calculated by dividing the moneyness by the Average True Range.
ATR vs. Breakeven point - it is the distance of the current price from the breakeven point in Average True Range units. It is standardizing the distance for different assets that have different volatility.
The dividend yield on strike - This value describes what will be the dividend yield if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the dividend by the strike price. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned
PE Ratio on strike - Describes what will be the PE Ratio if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the EPS. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned
Future PE on strike - Describes what will be the Future-PE Ratio if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the analysts' estimate of next year's EPS. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned.
MA 200 on strike - Describes what will be the distance from 200 days Moving Average if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the MA 200 value. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the technicals of the company if assigned.
The standard deviation on strike - Similar to ATR on strike - it is a standardized measure of distance. It measures the moneyness of the strike in Std. Dev. units, thus taking into account the different volatility of each asset.
Distance from target price on strike -This value describes what will be the distance from the analysts' target price if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the analysts' target price by the strike price. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned.
52w high on strike - This value describes what will be the distance from 52-weeks low if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the 52-Weeks low value. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the technicals of the company if assigned.
52w low on strike - This value describes what will be the distance from 52-weeks high if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the 52-Weeks high value. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the technicals of the company if assigned.
Values on strike data
Value on strike is a unique feature that 'translate' the different stock data to the different strike prices. This way you know what would be the stock value if the option is assigned. In this section, we will discuss the different data points. To read more about how to use it see this article: Value on strike
ATR on Strike - It is a standardized measure of the distance between different assets with different volatilities. It is calculated by dividing the moneyness by the Average True Range.
ATR vs. Breakeven point - it is the distance of the current price from the breakeven point in Average True Range units. It is standardizing the distance for different assets that have different volatility.
The dividend yield on strike - This value describes what will be the dividend yield if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the dividend by the strike price. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned
PE Ratio on strike - Describes what will be the PE Ratio if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the EPS. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned
Future PE on strike - Describes what will be the Future-PE Ratio if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the analysts' estimate of next year's EPS. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned.
MA 200 on strike - Describes what will be the distance from 200 days Moving Average if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the MA 200 value. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the technicals of the company if assigned.
The standard deviation on strike - Similar to ATR on strike - it is a standardized measure of distance. It measures the moneyness of the strike in Std. Dev. units, thus taking into account the different volatility of each asset.
Distance from target price on strike -This value describes what will be the distance from the analysts' target price if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the analysts' target price by the strike price. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the fundamentals of the company if assigned.
52w high on strike - This value describes what will be the distance from 52-weeks low if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the 52-Weeks low value. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the technicals of the company if assigned.
52w low on strike - This value describes what will be the distance from 52-weeks high if the option is assigned at the strike price. It is calculated by dividing the strike price by the 52-Weeks high value. It is useful when selling options to understand what will be the technicals of the company if assigned.